Cuddle Buns Preemie Diapers for the 2-5lb Baby - 30ea Review
If you find Cuddle Buns Preemie Diapers for the 2-5lb Baby - 30ea and who is seeking Cuddle Buns Preemie Diapers for the 2-5lb Baby - 30ea
Check more information about Cuddle Buns Preemie Diapers for the 2-5lb Baby - 30ea product, Customer review,and check price update. If You want to buy Cuddle Buns Preemie Diapers for the 2-5lb Baby - 30ea online. Did you find and of course you want to see the details of Cuddle Buns Preemie Diapers for the 2-5lb Baby - 30ea
Cuddle Buns Preemie Diapers for the 2-5lb Baby - 30ea Features
- 30 Diapers per pkg
- Velcro attachments - Narrow Crotch design
- Double elastic to prevent leakage
- Extra absorbancy holds over 50cc of urine
- Umbilical cut out to avoid UAC & UVC lines
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